Cut-2-Fit Measurement Charts

This information provided by the client in this measurement chart is private and confidential to insure their privacy.
When receiving this information the client is given a reference number
which is used through all the stages of pattern cutting and construction.
And on request the client will receive a client confidentiality agreement to insure their privacy
The best way to take your measurements is by using a cloth tape measure.
For my clients who are wheelchair bound the same measurement chart can be used whilst seated and include this information when filling out the e-mail measurement chart
Click on this link for Measurement Chart for you to fill a e-mail chart form.
Amputee Clients Measurement chart.
Because of being an amputee and wheelchair bound this measurement chart has been adapted to our individual needs
If most of your time is spent in a wheelchair the best way to take your measurements would be in a sitting position or If you are able are able to stand wearing your prosthetic leg whilst taking your measurements the same chart can be used.
Click on this link Amputee Measurement Chart for you to fill a e-male chart form.